Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This is a conversation I've been waiting to have.

Please make comments on his blog to continue the conversation.

Smack Them Harder

As bad as it does sound, I am not sure this was the wrong thing to say. I mean if a terrorist explodes a dirty bomb in one of our cities, and we determine that that terrorist came from a particular city, holy or not, would we not consider retaliation in kind?

Seems to me this is simply a smaller version of the mutually assured destruction policy, which kept us out of a hot war (as opposed to the cold one we won) with the Soviet Union all those years.

I don't think it hurts to let your enemy know you will smack him just as hard and even harder if he attacks you.

Posted by TWM on Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I {big surprise here} added my two cents, but I used no sarcasm and no back-handed valley girl diction to make my point. {Hell, even I'm surprised by that.}

So close, so this is for you!

Since my all new, fresh from scratch, taking me way too long, fun to be crazed about 17 things at once, Blogger template is almost, but not quite done... I can't let you see it.
Instead, I am going to share something with the ones I love.
I promise it will waste time, make you laugh, and slowly let your soul seep from you.
Excited? Me too!

Hope you all are well.
{PS- here is my beau and I on our hallucinatory hiking trip}

{PPS- one more thing to share: Metric [f'n kickin' ass and takin' names!]

Monday, July 11, 2005

Voltron got served

The transformer you always wanted.
This is way too much fun. {but aren't all the things I post}

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Bombing

The confirmation at this time according to the BBC is that there were 4 separate explosions & there are no longer anyone trapped in any of the lines.
  1. In the tube between Aldgate and Liverpool Street
  2. In the tube between Russel Square & King's Cross/ St. Pancras (A very large, very deep station)
  3. On a double decker bus (not a tour bus) in Tavistock Square (near Euston)
  4. In the tube between Edware Road Station and Paddington on the Circle Line.
The BBC has a map of the bombing spots.

The tube report.

I've found the best reporting is on the BBC 5 Live reporting.

The most recent news about continuing threats is a bomb scare presently at Victoria Station (west of Westminster)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Guten Tog!

All right, so I'm always able to find yet another something to enjoy immensely whilst I should be doing other things... but this one may just beat all.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Cutest MIT Geek EVER!

Ahhh, we love the boy.
And now the boy will be even bigger, better, and more bionic.